Thursday, 20 August 2015


We have been learning how to summarise in the Realm of Rodda. First we made an anchor chart about summarising and then we used myths, legends and fables to put what we have learnt into practice. Some of the texts that we have summarised include; The Boy Who Cried Wolf, Tiddalick, How The Cassowary Became A Flightless Bird and Kupe and th Giant Wheke (Octopus). 

Share a summary of something that you have read today. See if you can shorten it into six or less events.


  1. I am reading Anne of Green Gables. I have read about half and this is my summary so far:
    1. Anne gets taken from the orphanage and is sent to Avonlea where Mathew picks her up thinking about how a mistake was made because he wanted a boy.
    2. Anne gets to Green Gables and finds out that she is not wanted because she is not a boy.
    3. Anne gets to stay at Green Gables untill it is decided where she should go.
    4. Anne gets told that she can stay if she is good.
    5. Anne meets Diana who becomes Anne's best friend.
    6. Anne goes to church and school and changes the life of just about every one she meets.

  2. I am ready Judy moody
    1.all of Judy's friends are going away for the summer except for frank, Judy's not so much friend.
    2. Judy has to spend the whole summer with Frank and Judy is not happy about it.
    3.judys parents are also going away for the summer so Judy's aunt has to look after Judy and stink, Judy's brother that she hates.
    4. Judy's brother stink is in a club where you believe in Bigfoot and you prove to people that don't believe in Bigfoot that Bigfoot is real.
    5. Judy does not believe in Bigfoot until she finds Bigfoot.
    6. Judy and Frank go to this cool fun Park. When they get there they eat so much food, they go on this Rollercoaster and when they are on it frank spews on Judy until she is covered in spew.
    That is all I have read.

  3. Fantastic work J.T. and Ava, I loved reading both of your summaries. I feel like I know what happened in each story, even though I have not read the books. You both did a great job putting your summary into only six points and into your own words. Well done!

    Mrs. Van

  4. Who is J.T? What does it stand for?


  5. I have been reading Bella and the wandering house.
    1.bella woke up and saw that her house wasn't in its usual spot. she wasn't in her backyard, she was at ... the beach.
    2.the next night bella woke up an 12 o'clock to find that her house was moving so she grabbed her telescope and looked out the window and ssaw that her house had legs.
    3.the same thing happened every night and she woke up to a new place every day. day bella and her parents woke up in a backyard for sale next to the beach and they loved so much that they sold there property and bought this one.
    5.but every night the house still took off every night but came back to sleep on the beach at dawn.
    6 the next day, bellas grand father stayed over night and together they sailed the house.
