Sunday 19 August 2018

Emotion Poetry

In English, we have been exploring different types of poetry and how to use literary devices such as similes to 'bump' up our writing.


Happiness is yellow like the sun shining
It tastes like bubblegum ice cream
It smells like the beach
It looks like everyone having fun playing with friends
It sounds like kids screaming with joy
It feels like being part of a family

By Levi


Calm is the colour blue like the ocean breeze
It tastes like cool minty ice cream
It smells like a spring flower
It looks like a peaceful beach
It sounds like birds tweeting
It feels like a warm blanket

By Yvonne


Joy is purple like a lily
It tastes like a plum
It smells like chocolate pudding
It looks like fireworks
It sounds like applause
It feels like being loved

By Anders


Happiness is yellow like the  sun on a hot summer's day
It tastes like a warm ANZAC biscuit fresh from the oven
It smells like sweet fresh air
It looks like all of your family together with smiling faces
It sounds like friendly laughter
It feels like being safe

By Lily P


Anger is red like blood
It tastes like chillies
It smells like smoke and flames
It looks like buildings tumbling to the ground
It sounds like screams and yelling
It feels like no one understands

By Logan


Depression is grey like dark storm clouds
It tastes like a red hot chilli
It smells like burning tyres
It looks like a dark deserted alleyway
It sounds like the crying of a puppy
It feels like a cold bucket of water being tipped on my head

By Brodie