Tuesday 28 August 2018

Book Week 2018

Last week we celebrated Book Week with all of our teachers dressing up in a Hogwarts themed costume. Lots of our students also came as their favourite book character and we all joined in some Book Week themed activities including a Kahoot Quiz all about children's books.

Back L to R - Mrs. Evans is Harry Potter, Mr. Larson is Professor Snape, Miss. Markos is Professor McGonagall, Mrs. Van is Professor Dumbledore, Miss. Murphy is Hermione Granger and Merriel is Professor Trelawney

Front L to R - Miss. Vernon is Ron Weasley and Susan is Dobby

Who is your favorite book character and why?


  1. harry potter from harry potter and the goblet of fire because of all of the tasks he had to do

    1. Great choice. I like Hermione because she reads alot and always knows how to get the three of them out of trouble!

  2. Its really hard to choose they all look great

  3. i dressed up as harry potter jordan

  4. great costumes teachers you looked amazing
    Erin Ballenger

  5. all the costumes where awesome and I love book week!

  6. my fav book character is nya because she rocks!

  7. LIVVY
    my favorite characters are Hermione because she is smart and i like Ginny because she is pretty.
