Friday, 1 May 2015

Our Fleeting Past

'Our Fleeting Past' is a History Inquiry about the discovery of Australia, with an emphasis on the First Fleet and early settlement of Sydney. Today we began our final activity for the Inquiry. We are creating paper tall ships. Take a look at some of the wonderful work that students have created so far.

The Middle Learning Community really are a talented (and messy) group of artists. 

What interesting or unusual information can you share with us about the First Fleet?


  1. I will post one first to get us started.

    Scurvy was such a big problem for the First Fleet, that Captain Arthur Phillip grew beans on dampened strips of cloth, to try and have more fresh vegetables available to eat.

  2. 4 cows and 2 bulls arrived in Australia on the First Fleet in 1788. They escaped into the bush and were recaptured 7 years later. By that time, the herd had grown to over 40 cows!

  3. Amy - Ty, Aali and Elijahs Mum4:04 pm, May 17, 2015

    Amazing artwork year 3/4!!!!

    1. Thanks Amy, we think they are a pretty talented bunch too!

      Mrs. Van

  4. What a fantastic fact Jelly Bean Books, I definitely learnt something!
    Mrs. Van
